SirDuke's Clan WebSite (temporarily under developed and canceling)


John3362- He was one SirDuke's best friends.  We known each other for a long time.  He was one of the people that influenced me into playing runescape.  We are as well friends in real life.  It is with my honor to add him to this section of the website.


The way he would want it written, his real name is Paul, and he isn't just an average Joe. He can bench around 300 pounds and can lift almost twice that (he has to for his job). He recently came back from injury, so he's back at work, where he will be the next WWE champion (little biased)

Doom DoDo 23

Has been around since the beginning of the clans, he's a friend to both Duke and Eagle. He is one out of the 4 we would let sign with both clans, if he wanted. He's a veteran player of Runescape, just like us.


Proddy is a good player and a huge help when needed. He is always there for us and has supported Duke and myself whenever we needed it. One of the best friends we could ever have, it's an honor to write about him.


Hawti58- We are pretty good friends on and off runescape.  SirDuke knows him in real life and in runescape life.  I've known him almost a long as john3362.  He's almost never on anymore but because of a great friendship I have to add him to this section of the website.


Gch43- SirDuke hung out with him ALL the time.  He was the second best friend I met on runescape.  we did all sorts of stuff together as well as come up with lots of great ideas. He's never on anymore.  This is why i have to add him to this list.






From fun and conversations online and on the PS3 SirDuke knows him all the way.  I known him for quite a long time.  I even have him as a friend on my PS3.  Though we don't talk much anymore we had a lot of fun together as well as a lot of back and forth messages.  These days he never talks to me and when i talked to him last he said he hates me, no he didn't give me a reason, but though we had great fun in the past i'm going to keep him on this list.


It's Mark! Yes, Kaitlin's fiancee has a noob rs account. He claims it's only for fan interaction, but that's what Paul said too...


Talk about loads of fun to hang out, we used to have great times in clan wars. we'd get loads of people together in a temporary clan and duke it out with other clans. I've known him for a long long time in my runescape lifetime.  It was some much fun hanging out with him and a great person to talk about in the oldest friends and best friends part of website.